Fabrique d'un épuisement
Anne-Valérie Gasc - Documents d’artistes PACA. Cette vidéo, réalisée par Documents d'artistes, relate les différentes de travail de l'œuvre 'Fabrique d'un épuisement' d'Anne-Valérie Gasc. Ce projet... Lire plus -
Arte: Künstler hautnah - Evol Streetart Berlin 2011
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Private visit of Momentum, personal exhibition by Tulio Pinto at MARGS Museum
Tulio Pinto leads you during a private view of his personal exhibition at MARGS in Porto Alegre. In conversation with... Lire plus
Making of 'The Wake of Dust' portraits on the occasion of Les rencontre d'Arles
Discover Thomas Hauser working with the toner powder to reveal the protraits Lire plus -
Video of the french contemporary artist Laurence Vauthier performing 'Nike ta course'.
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Making of Cumplicidad Vetorais #4, a sculpture by tulio Pinto
Behind the scene: discover the Brazilian artist creating a sculpture made of blown glass Lire plus