Laurence Vauthier FR, 1993
Added Value, 2018
5 performed bubble levels, 10 nails, 1 hammer, 1 meter, 1 artist's certificate and 1 set up protocol
186 x 40 x 3 cm
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It is in the level of performance of her actions, the context or according to the public that Laurence defines the value of her actions. On the occasion of A...
It is in the level of performance of her actions, the context or according to the public that Laurence defines the value of her actions. On the occasion of A Performance Affair, Laurence Vauthier will execute a series of new pieces: Added Value. It will be a question of maintaining the balance of 5 spirit levels, one by one, as long as possible at arm’s length. Through this series, Laurence proposes in a radical way to establish the value of a piece according to the time during which the level will be maintained in perfect balance. The price of this work is defined by the performance or the underperformance of the artist according to a simple ratio: Performance Time / Price. The more the gesture is mastered, the more the piece will be exceptional and therefore expensive. Laurence Vauthier also proposes to question the value of her work arbitrarily. Indeed, if the 5 levels are maintained 568 seconds, what is the value of the work? € 568, € 5,680 or € 56,800? On the occasion of these works, the artist questions, with distance and a certain sense of humor, the definition of the value of a piece by bringing a form of tangibility to it. Actors, gallerists, artists and collectors estimate a price for a work, Laurence Vauthier questions the objectivity of this judgment.
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